front of the portfilio for the print exchange
Front of the folder that holds the exchange

In the fall semester of 2021 at Southeast Missouri State University I took Intro to Printmaking. For our last project of the semester we had the option to participate in a print exchange with the University of Texas at San Antonio!

back of the portfolio for the print exchange
Back of the folder that holds the exchange

I participated in the exchange and made a print with a polyester plate (litho) and rolled up a woodblock with the color ink for the background colors.

Sarah Bussmann was a classmate of mine that semester! She participated in the print exchange and made a print titled “by yourself” for the exchange.

Erin Ashwell is a now graduated fellow printmaking emphasis from SEMO and also participated in the print exchange. She made a print titled “I Don’t Feel Ok”.

Our Amazing Printmaking professor at SEMO, Hannah March Sanders, also participated in the print exchange and made this fantastic screenprint for the exchange!

As I mentioned, this exhange was between printmakers from Southeast Missouri State University and University of Texas at San Antonio. I got into contact with Alina De Leon who not only designed the portofolio folder but also made a print that is part of this exchange!

Making this blog post not only let me reminisce on my time at SEMO as I participated in this print exchange my first semester at SEMO it also reminded me of how far I’ve come. That Intro to print class was the first printmaking class I ever took and now I’m about to graduate with my bachelor’s of fine arts in art with an emphasis in printmaking.

You know I had to take some grad pics in the print studio! 🤣

I’m also so happy to have made this blog post as i got to reach out to people that I havent talked to in a while and in the case of reaching out to Alina De Leon I had never talked to her so it was nice to finally talk even if it was two years after the exhange!